Learn More About
What We Do
LaRochelle Consulting helps you to get your municipal development plan (TIF) application approved. We provide the following services to clients across the state of Maine:
Prepare & Present Applications
LaRochelle Consulting, LLC works with developers, businesses, and municipalities to guide them through the specialized area of tax increment financing (TIF) applications. We are hired by municipalities to create these applications. We also work with businesses and developers to assist them with the municipal TIF application process.
Representation at City
Council Meetings
We can attend city council or selectman meetings with you or on your behalf so you get the representation you need. We can come to any municipal meeting across the state of Maine. From small towns to large cities, we’ve worked with municipal governments of all sizes.
TIFF Education Sessions
for Municipalities
Our team can work with your organization to facilitate strategic planning sessions, goal setting, training, or other meeting types. We want you to be as informed as possible about the TIF process, so we provide you with the necessary training through our education sessions for municipal governments.
Negotiation of Credit Enhancement Agreements
Credit enhancement agreements (CEAs) provide lenders assurance that borrowers will pay as agreed. LaRochelle Consulting will help you to get the best agreement possible so your funding goes further. We determine appropriate reimbursements if municipalities choose to fund projects through credit enhancement agreements (CEAs).
Tax Increment
Financing Consulting
LaRochelle Consulting, LLC works with developers, businesses, and municipalities to guide them through the specialized area of tax increment financing (TIF) applications. Municipalities hire LaRochelle Consulting to create these applications, assist with allocating funds in a municipal investment plan, creating tax shift analyses and revenue projections, and determining appropriate reimbursements if municipalities choose to fund these projects credit enhancement agreements (CEAs) or municipal bonds.
Learn More About Tax Increment Financing ConsultingHousing
Developers request housing market analyses after identifying a potential opportunity in a particular market. The developer needs information before moving a project to the initial design phase. A market analysis helps the developer to answer questions to refine the project concept further.
Lean More About Housing StudiesAssociation
LaRochelle Consulting, LLC has experience managing multiple associations. Whether it's creating budgets, organizing fundraisers, membership growth and retention, or administrative work, LaRochelle Consulting can collaborate with your group to take care of your organization’s needs.
Learn More About Association Management